Monday, March 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Sterling!

Today is Sterling's 1st Birthday. Time flies. I remember when he was born. I was very anxious for his arrive. Like most of my pregnancies, I was in utter misery. It just seems that when I am pregnant life goes so much slower. I was big, fat, and swollen. I wanted him on a Sunday just because I never had a baby on a Sunday. I went into labor that morning, sent the kids off to church with Paul but they shortly arrived back home. He couldn't last with all the kids alone! The pains weren't too bad all day and I started to think that maybe I was in false labor again. I had false labor a lot this pregnancy. I went for walks trying to get labor going. I called my family and told them that I think today was the day but yet I really wasn't in a lot of pain. Then it hit me, around 3pm I started feeling the pains. I started to get really nervous. I have a fear that if I wait too long, I can't have the epideral. Luckily, the hospital is very close (a couple of miles, I should have thought to walk there and get labor going quicker). We head to the hospital. I wasn't there in the hospital more than 30 minutes and my water broke. Never has happened to me before. I always needed the doctor to break my water. Paul was grateful it was in the hospital bed not in the car! They get me all ready for delivery, my family arrives (my births are a family event, all are welcome...I apologize for any that need counseling afterwards). I love sharing this special occasion with my family. I actually zone them out so I really don't notice they are there until after delievery. Then at 6:11pm Sterling Paul came into the world. He weighed 6 lbs 12 oz. and was 19 inches long. My sweet, perfect baby boy was finally here. I remember thinking how perfect he looked. Now Sterling is 1 years old. He has been a complete joy. He has always been a good baby. He is so sweet and always smiles. I love you Sterling, to the moon and back.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Sterling! It really doesn't seem a year already!