Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Stilleto Sprint

(DeLonne, Brandalee, Lareen, Mom, DeLayne, Audralyn and me in our stilletos and pink hair!)
My sister, Audralyn, lives in Texas. They had their first annual Stilleto Sprint last year in September right when DeLayne was diagnosed with cancer. So she thought it would be wonderful if we all could go out there, a year later, for the second annual Stilleto Sprint. Of course it was a long shot but guess what? We all could go, 5 sisters and mom, and flew out the 2nd week of September.
I, of course, had to fly Jet Blue on the red eye. Funny story...you would think that I would know airports/airplanes are cold because I fly more often but I had in my head that Houston is HOT and humid. So I didn't pack a jacket. While on the plane ride to JFK I was cold and wanted to sleep but couldn't because I was cold (and those darn blankets now cost money!!) So when everyone besides me was asleep, I slipped my hands inside my short-sleeve shirt and slept. Funny thing is when I went to sleep it was dark but when I woke up it was light and everyone was awake so I hurried and pulled my hands out. Embarrased, NO! but I'm sure the people besides me thought I was a dork!
When I got to Texas, we went to a wonderful Mexican restaurant. Delicioso! We then headed to Woodland Hills to spend the night (about an hour away). The next morning we woke up early and got all dallied up in our pink tutus and pink hair. We all looked so cute. The sprint races (it was about 50 yard race) did not last long but it sure was fun. I would love to start one here in Utah. The best were the men in their stilletos. Some of those men sure can get competitive.
After the race, we headed over for shopping. We had a little incident with the Texas police...Put it this way...a few Bluth girls in your face is not a good thing. The cop was not pleased with us and I was a little disappointed in my sisters behavior. Enough said. Feelings got hurt but all is well. We ended the day by ordering famous Texas BBQ and watching the BYU. Unfortunately, we did not win.
Church was the next day. We sang "Abide with my Tis Eventide." If you are a Bluth, you sing. I never like to sing in public 1) I didn't get the talent my sisters have and 2) I don't like to be the center of attention. But I did it for my sister both DeLayne and Audralyn. The song has deep meaning and emotional for us. Audralyn is the primary chorister so we had some fun with (using a phone to call in the songs, superhero "twin" sister.)
My flight didn't leave until Monday afternoon. So I was able to hang out with Audralyn and my adorable niece Eva. She is the sweetest girl ever! I loved spending time with Audralyn. I love my sister in Texas. I wish she lived closer.
Fun time with sisters. I love my sisters and glad mom could join us for some fun memories.

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