Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Mary Poppins

Our school was having a special sale on Mary Poppins at Capital Theater. I didn't have any desire to go but for $20 each (it was buy one get one free). I decided to go and take my 2 daughters. It was completely magical. As I sat there and watched, it made me realize that everything I need to learn about parenthood/motherhood comes from Mary Poppins...

Have fun while working ("Spoonful of sugar"-In every job, there is an element of fun)

Service ("Feed the birds")

Stop and enjoy life ("Let's go fly a kite")

Be happy and make others happy ("Jolly Holiday")

Mary Poppins was amazing and I loved Bert. Wouldn't it be nice to have a Mary Poppins with all of us? When Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious started I was a little disappointed because it was different but by the end it was my favorite!!! Amazing and fun choreography. And when Bert climbed the edge of the stage to the top upside-down...WoW! I also loved when Mary Poppins flew out. We happened to be sitting right there where she flew to and it felt like she was coming to me. I know cheesy but it did bring a tear to my eye. LOVED IT! I hope I can be more like Mary Poppins.

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