Sunday, April 5, 2009

April Fools

I love April Fools. I love a day full of fun and pranks and NO ONE can get mad because it is April Fools! I have done my fair share of pranks and have to watch my back on this day. In the past, my favorite has been putting a vinyl sign on my brother-in-laws truck saying "I couldn't afford a wife so I bought this truck!" He had it up for a long time after. He still isn't married and I think he still has the truck.

Here are the pranks I pulled on my kids this year.

For dinner I told them we were going to have dessert first. The kids were thrilled to eat cupcakes. They kept saying "Thank you, mom" or "You are the best mom" and "Yum, cupcakes!".

Then I told them they had to eat with different utensils. After the prayer, they started eating and realized that they were not cupcakes but meatloaf and potatoes. They did have fun eating with their different utensils. I also heated up their milk so when they drank it, it was warm. Gross, warm milk!

You would think the kids would have caught on by now but I still had one more up my sleeve. I did the toothpaste in the Oreo prank. They ate them and thought they tasted minty. Yuck!
My husband sent me an authentic email about claiming my tickets for Wicked that comes to Utah this month. I kept saying "What do I need to click, How do I get these?". It wasn't until he read the fine print that I caught on. Good job, Paul. I still want to go to Wicked, though.
Fun, fun day. Until next year...Watch out, I may get you next!

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