Thursday, March 10, 2011

Carl Bloch exhibit

I took my Young Women to the Carl Bloch exhibit at BYU. BREATHTAKING! It was a perfect activity. We rented the ipads which brought on a whole new experience. I am amazed at the talents of so many people. Talents that affect so many lives. Carl Bloch had an amazing talent that brings people closer to Christ. I aspire to have a talent like that. Here are my thoughts and feelings of that night...

Doubting Thomas: Faith vs Doubt-Do we have to see Christ to believe? You can not have faith and doubt. Believe is one of my favorite words because it encompasses so much-hope, peace, faith. The Spirit has testified of so many truths for me to doubt. I am struck by his shame by his lack of faith.

Gethsemane: This act alone was the single most important event in the history of human existence. "HIs life was to atone for the signs of all mankind" (Quoted from The Living Christ). This depiction of Christ suffering in Gethsemane closes the gap between an infinite suffering vs human suffering. HIs suffering was unbearable for a human being but Christ was infinite. Yet it still was harder than even He anticipated and in Luke 22:43 it states "an angel...strengthen[ed] him.

Pool of Bethesda: What is so remarkable about this picture is those that need to be healed wait by the pool. They are in close proximity, almost knowing that it is within reach. What the question is are they healed by the pool in front of them or by turning to the Savior to be healed?

Become as a little child: Here Christ is reminding us to be like little children "submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to his Father" (Mosiah 3:19). I also love how tenderly he is with other hand holding the child face. It almost is a protective touch, reminding me to take care of His children on earth. How much He loves the little children.

Come Unto Me: My favorite picture. There are many people in this picture that brings up points of discussion...the man leaning upon him for comfort, support and healing. The man resting on him as if seeking refuge and peace. The man in the back hesitating as if not feeling worthy. This pictures has a way to draw your attention to his eyes and his outstretched arms. Come unto Christ.

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