Thursday, February 3, 2011

Kailene's birthday and baptism

Kailene has turned 8. I wish my kids didn't grow up. Soon they will be gone. The thought makes me sad. It is a big, exciting birthday for her. We had a birthday party for her with her friends and went swimming. Lots of fun.

She got baptized at the end of January. She was the only one in the ward so it was really personal for her. Grandma Bluth and Grandma Talbot spoke at her baptism. The kids sang a song and Brad played the violin. Lots of family filled our house to celebrate afterwards. For FHE we had a lesson on baptism. I asked Kailene if she had a testimony. She bore her testimony for us and we all bore our testimonies to each other. It was a wonderful FHE. She is such a sweet daughter, already very senstive. She is thoughtful and kind. We are so proud of her.


Becky said...

I saw her walking to activity days yesterday and she looked SO excited- it was so cute! Congratulations Kailene!

Brandalee said...

Thank you again for inviting Emma to the party. The baptism was beautiful and the lunch delicioso.