Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

Every year I have written down New Year's Resolutions. Things I want to improve on, make better, work on, etc. And like most everyone else, I end up not doing them. This year I have decided to choose something every day and work on that. I hope to do this on a daily need, prayerfully. For example, one day I will work on my relationship with my children by being kinder and more patience with them. I know you're probably asking...She's only going to be kind to them one day? The hope is that it will carry to multiple days and then become a habit and then it's just part of my life and not a goal anymore. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

audralyn said...

Or you could be like me and make no resolutions at all. 2011 resolution: Find a goal I can actually achieve.
As always, you are better than us all. ;)