Friday, February 13, 2009

We survived a YW Klondike!

The first weekend in Feb, the YW went on a Klondike-like winter campout. Our bishop is great and thinks the YW should experience the same thing the scouts (YM) experience. We agree!, until we went on this campout.

We went up to Mutual Dell Friday night. We were sleeping burrito style (if you don't know what that is, just ask a scout) which we made the night before. We set those out and started dinner--burrito surprise. It actually tasted good but everything tastes good when you are camping. We sat around the camp fire telling scary stories and ate dessert (delicious peach cobbler). Then it was time for bed. I had been dreading this the whole time. I don't like camping, even in the summer time, so I don't know what I was thinking when I signed up to camp in the winter! It was really cold but the bishop promised us we would not get cold in our burritos. You first have to take all your clothes off and change into new dry clothes. Sweat will make you cold and usually you are sweating throughout the day (or what women do..."perspire"). That was a chore just to take all your layers off and then put on dry layers. Then getting into the your sleeping bags was strenuous. Let's just say it was a tight fit. Have you ever breathed you own air? It's not all that it's cracked up to be. It's like a coffin (picture below). I just layed there, breathing my own air, in the pitch dark trying to go to sleep. I couldn't breathe, so I would put my head out of the bag and get cold, go back in my sleeping bag and breathe my own air. Repeating this the whole night. I felt like I was suffocating to death! As you can imagine, I got no sleep and finally ended up (around 6am) going to my car. I LOVE HEATED SEATS! I couldn't sleep even though I was exhausted so I got out the Book of Mormon in the car and caught up on my reading.

Breakfast was good the next morning if you like eggs, bacon and cheese melted in butter! Look out high cholesterol, here I come. We packed up and went home after the kids got in some sledding. Talking to the girls, I don't think we will be doing this soon...or ever. But we were so grateful to the bishopric for giving us this opportunity. Let's not forget about bragging rights. It almost makes it worth it. Next time my suggestion will be a resort with manicures and pedicures. Maybe the young men should do that for an activity. Now I understand why boys should be boys and girls should be girls. I love being a girl!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm seriously having an axiety attack reading this!! You are one brave girl and I would never do it...not even for bragging rights!! Breathing your own air...sleeping in a coffin...suffocating...ugh! I need to go outside now...