Wednesday, August 25, 2010

First free flight

For Brad's 13th birthday (yes, I do have a teenager!) we promised him a trip to San Fran to see Wicked the Musical, which is my favorite! It just so happened that we were able to get a flight and tickets on Aug 18th, one month exactly from his birthday. We just knew it was meant to be. Brad and I flew to San Fran, got a hotel, tried to get lottery tickets but had no luck and ended up buying tickets 9 rows from the stage! I was in heaven. I could see everything. It was pretty surreal to be at a theater performance with my son since that is what I did with my parents. It brought back many good memories. Show was fantastic!! Theater was beautiful. Elpheba and Glinda came from Broadway so we in for a treat. We stayed the night and hung around San Fran for the day. It was a shoppers-heaven. Now, I must admit, I am not a shopper. So walking around for hours was not that appealing to me or Brad but we had fun and tried to enjoy it since our flight didn't leave until the afternoon. Brad couldn't believe stores could be 3-4 stories, a full level just for a certain gender. We flew to Long Beach and unfortunately, we could not get on the flight that night to SLC so we had to spend the night in Long Beach. The flight home was stressful because we didn't know if we would get on that flight and it was an hour delayed. Ugggh! I guess it's not a good idea to fly during the summer or without Paul (you get pushed down on the totem pole if you are not flying with an employee). Even with all our setbacks, it was a great trip that I was able to enjoy with my son Brad. He deserved it and much more! Thanks to Paul who reassurred me all was well at home when I didn't get home for a day later.

FYI: The trolley's are not free and San Fran is so cold even in August!

1 comment:

Brent said...

I don't know how Brad can possibly be 13...where has the time gone. I check Steph's blog once in awhile, but didn't see your blog until now on it. I think your children are so beautiful and look so happy. I know you are a great mother. I have missed you. Maybe next time we are in Utah we can get together. What do you think? What do you do with your time now that the kids are back in school? How is it with just one at home? I remember those days.
I read about you losing your dog. I am sorry to hear that and I know how you must feel. We got a dog just before we moved from SG. I REALLY fought it cuz I knew the dog would end up being mine and I had already raised 6 kids and didn't want "another" one. That is just what it is like to have a puppy. But we got him anyway. We named him Dodger. He is a good dog and will be 4 in December. Now that we have moved into a condo, I have been trying to find a new home for him. I feel sorry for him. We live in 1,022sf and have no yard. So if you feel like you would like another dog, and not a puppy, he is here. My sister-in-law Cyndi (Ron's wife) said that he would rather be with me than in a house, but I just see him day in and day out just basically laying around. He can't go outside without a leash. I do run with him everyday, but it still just makes me feel bad. big deal if you don't want another dog, I am not trying to force him on you or guilt you into him.
I hope all is well and that you had a great summer! It went by very fast for us. Annie is off to BYU-i next week, how can that be. Gracie just went on her first date can THAT be? I am getting old! But life keeps moving on. I miss you and hope all is well. Grateful to hear that Paul got another job. Such a blessing. Thank you for talking to Brent this morning. I love you.