Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I feel like I have been "missing in action" since I haven't written on my blog for months. I took the summer off (more to post later) and now have been in the thick of activities with my kids. I started to panic towards the end of the summer because the kids were going back to school and I was worried I would have too much time on my hands. I didn't know what I was going to do to fill that "extra" time. I decided to volunteer more at the school and then I got a teaching job at the dance studio my kids attend. Now I am busier than ever! Volunteering 2 times at the school, dance class 2 times a week, dance class for each daughter, piano lessons, helping out with Paul's work, homework each night, and all other mother/homemaker chores, you could see why I have been MIA. Extra time, what extra time?!?
So I may not blog all the time but hopefully enough to write down my thoughts and document events in my family life for keepsake. It is my journal and I know I will be so glad to have it.
I may have to back track and tell about all the adventures in the summer. It was a wonderful summer!

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