Monday, December 31, 2012

12 days of Christmas

Christmas always brings mixed feelings for me. I love the season. Love the spirit of Christmas. I even love the giving part of Christmas. What I don't love about Christmas is all the presents. Let me be clear. I love giving presents. I give presents to my kids all year long. I don't understand why there is a special day set aside just for opening presents. Who came up with that? And now that most of my children do not believe in Santa Claus (tear drop), I don't see the point. Let me give a gift to someone when I feel like it. Anyways, because I am a softie I usually cave and spoil my kids once again. This year was no exception and I think I nailed it with each one. Booyah! :)
Every year I try to make Christmas memorable and more about Christ. This year we did the 12 days of Christmas Service. Each day we focused on serving others, usually centered around the family. I think the kids enjoyed it and were excited about the new challenge each day. Some of the highlights were...
babysitting for neighbor
saying hi to someone at school (or better sitting next to them at lunch)
giving thank you notes to teacher
give candy canes to friends at school
call family members and tell them you love them
do something extra nice/kind to another family member

Some that we didn't get around to (next year)...
Give hot chocolate to those Walmart bell ringers
Pay for strangers dinner at restaurant
Pay for someone's else gas at gas station

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