Monday, May 9, 2011

The Living Christ

In December, the stake young women challenged all of the youth and leaders to memorize The Living Christ. We would work on it for 4 months, starting in December and ending in April (Christ's birth to Christ's death and resurrection). I knew it would be challenging for all especially for me because lately I have had a hard time memorizing things. But, I knew "All things are possible with Christ, which strenghtens me". I would take a paragraph a week and memorize it. It got harder as I went on but I persevered.
The week of Easter, we went up to Temple Square and recited it in front of the Christus. It was an unforgettable experience. Such power was present and the Holy Ghost testified to all there the truthfulness of the words we were speaking. I am so glad I did it. It was a huge accomplishment. I learned so much about the Savior from the words of The Living Christ. I am grateful for my Savior and all that he has done for me. One of my favorite lines is "He is the light, the life, and the hope of the world. His way is the path that leads to happiness in this life and eternal life in the world to come."

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