Monday, December 6, 2010

Why do we go to the temple?

The day before chemo, DeLayne and I (and her best friend from high school, Ali) went to the temple. It is the perfect place to calm your fears, feel the Spirit without restraint, remember what is important, and puts everything into perspective. They needed help in the sealing room so we decided to do sealings. Hershel Peterson was the sealer. If you don't know Hershel, he is a scriptorian and my understanding of the gospel is so small compared to his understanding. At the conclusion of our session, he gave us some counsel and asked us why we go to the temple? He replied with many scripture references and talking so fast that we didn't get it all but the jist of it was we go to the temple because of obedience and service and to renew the Holy Ghost within us. Now we have consecrated the day by our service and now we can go to the Lord and receive the desires of our heart. He quoted 2 Nephi 32:9 (the only scripture I remembered) which states "that [H]e will consecrate thy performance unto thee, that thy performance may be for the welfare of thy soul." We all just broke down and cried. It never ceases to amaze me how the Lord answers us in different ways. Hershel did not know our desires, our prayers, our reasons for coming to the temple that day yet he was the messanger that answered our prayers. What a wonderful experience.

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