Saturday, June 12, 2010

It's a baby boy!

Don't I look good for having another baby? Okay so it's my sister's. My sister just had her first baby. Yeah! He is so cute. 6 lbs 7 oz of pure love. I love babies. That is why I have 5. Am I done? I hope so yet I am struggling. I hear people saying they KNOW they are done. I don't. I want to be. I am overwhelmed and exhausted. It takes everything to take care of my five yet when I see a new baby I think, I want one. Everyone tells me that since I don't know, then I am not done. What?!? I already have 5 and one is autistic. I don't feel right praying about it. Is the Lord really going to tell me NO, don't multiply and replenish the earth even though it's a commandment? I know the Lord understands my situation and knows what I can handle. My emotions get the better of me because I want another baby but common sense kicks in and I realize it's really not that great of an idea. I am at the point where I want to raise my kids not keep having kids. And then I do the comparing thing and look at other women and they are having 5, 6, 7 kids. And then at church I hear how good their kids are, that they never fight, etc and I think what is wrong with my kids? But really I should be saying what is wrong with me because I am teaching these kids, right? Maybe if I had easier kids I might have another...maybe if I don't get so sick when I am pregnant, I might have another...maybe if I don't gain so much weight when I am pregnant, I might have another...maybe if someone else can raise my kids, I might have another...Sounds like I won't be having another soon but he's so precious! :(

Baby Streeter (no name yet)


Unknown said...

I remember feeling the same way after Owen was born. Now that he is four I am glad we are done. I feel like I'm onto the next stage of life and I like it. I still love to snuggle with a newborn and walking down the baby isle makes me ache for one but when I have my bad days I know without a doubt I'm done. Good luck with that!

Jessica said...

Wow, your baby is beautiful. As a mother, you would find my blog very helpful. Please visit Hope to hear from you.

mjnetty said...

I feel overwhelmed and tired all the time too. I'd really prefer to be done, and on to the next stage but I still feel like there's another little boy waiting to come to our family. Hopefully the Lord will bless me with strength to raise my children. And by the way, my mom was not accurate in saying my kids do not fight. They fight all the time! I'm actually pretty embarrassed that she said that. I think you're a great mother, and you do look good with a baby.