I got strep a month ago and it turned into an ear infection. I can't remember the last time I had an ear infection. It was so bad! I decided to document it. Sorry to bore all of you.
Day 1-Ear starts to hurt. Went to Young Womens more out of obligation than neccessity. Took some ibuprofren. It hurt off on and on that day. Took some sleeping pills because I couldn't sleep with the occasional pain.
Day 2-Ear hurt all day. Slept most of the day. Cried and screamed for 2 hours (Paul was out doing an appraisal). It was so painful. Took more ibuprofen. Didn't help. Couldn't stand the pain. Went to the ER around 1am. Told me I had an inner ear infection (Duh...Disclaimer: I don't like doctors, they state the obvious and I have to pay them what I already know. Just to let you know, I have a brother and brother-in-law who are doctors and I know not all doctors do that.) I asked him how long it will last? 2-3 days sometimes 10. He prescribed pain medications and antibiotics. Finally could go to sleep.
Day 3-On good drugs-slept most of the day. Had no appetite (if I lose weight, this will be the only good thing that comes from this!). Kids did some easter hunts. Paul took them and ran errands with them all day. Sad to miss the YW broadcast at the Conference Center (had tickets) but watched it at home.
Day 4-Didn't go to church. Slept most of the day. Had to take drugs every 4 hours plus ibuprofen.
Day 5-Felt pretty good as long as I took the drugs every 4 hours. Went to lunch with Paul. Ear started hurting afterwards. Took more drugs and slept.
Day 6-I am nervous because I am almost out of drugs. Ear still hurts especially at night. I take 2 before night and wake up in the night to take 2 more. Ear still plugged and I can't hear very well out of it. I tell my kids to speak up but they actually are speaking softer. So frustrated!
Day 7-Took kids to the dentist (4 kids+many cavities each=we are in the wrong profession!) Didn't take any medications this morning. Ear started hurting. My brother-in-law called in more drugs for me. Phew! Went to Michael Buble concert. Fantastic show. I loved it! No pain, only can hear out of one ear, though.
Day 8 to Day 12-Hard time getting to sleep most nights. When it's quiet, I hear a pounding in my ear. It is hard to concentrate.
Day 13 to present day-Thinking about going to the ENT. Ear is still clogged. I can hear out of it but it still pops. Doctors say it will go away. When? Soon? Tried many home remedies...yawning, chewing gum, mineral oil, garlic, onion, ear candles, neti pot. It seems to get better every day. I have gotten use to it. It's a little annoying that it hasn't unclogged yet. I'll let you know if/when it does!