Monday, January 11, 2010

Sledding and Glaciers

Every year our neighbor invites the neighborhood up to their cabin in Midway for sledding and lunch. It is really a lot of fun! This year was no exception but it seemed we did have more injuries than usual. Preston got wiped around as he crashed into a tree and came up with his nose bledding. Of course, he wanted to hurry and get it cleaned up and back to sledding. I got wipe lash as a young boy from another group crashed right into me (I was off to the side!) and knocked me right off my feet. I was holding Sterling and was worried he got hurt. I hit my head pretty hard because I had a huge head ache and was quite sore the next day. Nonetheless, the kids loved it. On our way home we stopped at the glaciers located in Midway. It was beautiful.
(The pictures were taken from the iphone since our camera was out of batteries)